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The Selection of Courses

Once courses are chosen, it may be difficult to change, so parents should be very sure of their teen's course selections. If students or parents have any questions about courses, they should contact the Guidance Department at (613) 448-2328. Once a student has begun a course, a change requires the permission of the subject teacher, guidance counsellor, principal and parents. After the first few weeks, course changes will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Some courses are offered in alternate years. Students should, therefore, plan their programs on a two-year basis.

The following factors should be considered before a student selects his/her subjects:

1.Knowledge of his/her own abilities and interests
2.Career plans
3.Awareness of required subjects and diploma requirements
4.Consultation with teachers and guidance counsellor
5.Courses offered in alternate years

The principal and staff are expected to make recommendations regarding subjects and their levels of difficulty which would influence the selection of courses. However, students and their parents are reminded that they have the right to make alternative course selections provided that diploma requirements are being met. Students who have reached the age of majority (18) may accept responsibility for their own choices.

Grade 12 students must select at least six instructional periods per year (3 per semester).

Definition of a Credit
A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course for which a minimum of 110 hours has been scheduled.

The Semester System
At this time, North Dundas is organized on a two-semester system. The first semester runs from the opening of school in September until the end of January. The second semester runs from the first week in February until the end of June. In each semester, students in Grades 12 and OAC must study at least three courses. Thus, a maximum of 8 credits can be accumulated in any one year.

A student may enrol at the beginning of either semester and graduate at the end of either semester.

A prerequisite is a course which the Ministry of Education feels is necessary before starting a given course. In order to be exempted from a prerequisite course, a student must receive permission from the principal.

Subject Promotion
Students will proceed towards a diploma by means of subject promotion. In a subject promotion system, each subject is looked upon as a separate area of study. The student is evaluated on the basis of his/her performance in that area of study.

Change of Course
When the situation warrants it, students will be permitted, with the approval of the principal, to change courses during the school year. As with original course selections, all changes of courses by students under the age of majority must also receive parental approval.

Course Cancellation
Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment. In the event of a cancellation, if possible, students will be notified and asked to select an alternate course, or the alternate course listed on the option sheet may be substituted for the cancelled course.

Course of Study

The courses offered by this school have been developed according to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, and are available to students of both sexes. Courses of Study in all subjects are available at the school for parents and students to examine.

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