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Student Services


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Literacy Test Info

Overview of Guidance

The Guidance Department at North Dundas aims to provide all students with the opportunity to develop personally and interpersonally through learning good study habits, choosing courses wisely, making appropriate decisions about post-secondary education or the world of work, exploring possible careers, and discussing personal/social problems. These aims are achieved through three primary methods - individual counselling, group counselling, and classroom instruction - and other opportunities such as job shadowing, Career Day, college and university visits, peer tutoring, peer mentoring and liaising with various community and psychological services. We also have an enthusiastic group of Peer Helpers who assist in such areas as the transition of students from Grade 8 to Grade 9 and welcoming new students to our school.

The Guidance Department at North Dundas also provides students with a wide variety of print and electronic resources. In our Guidance Reading Room, students may browse through numerous college and university calendars, agricultural, trade school, and apprenticeship pamphlets, and a wide variety of career brochures. As well, our computer can help students relate their interests, values, and aptitudes to up-to-date career information or find in-depth information about Canadian post-secondary institutions and scholarships. Although interest inventories are completed with all students annually in Grades 9, 10, and 11, more comprehensive aptitude testing is available for interested senior students upon request on a cost-recovery basis (five dollars per test).

The North Dundas staff recognizes that parental involvement is a vital factor in a student's school success. We therefore invite all parents to contact our Guidance Department at any time to discuss any questions or concerns they may have about their child's well-being and progress at school, or take part in the many activities the school has to offer.

Patti Hall - Program Leader Student Services
Ph: 613-448-2328 ext. 4721
[email protected]

Andrea McDonell - Guidance Counselor
Ph: 613-448-2328 ext. 4717
[email protected]a

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